

A CDN can enhance website performance, reduce latency, and improve user experience by caching and serving static and dynamic content efficiently. It can handle high traffic loads, mitigate network congestion, and provide faster delivery of multimedia content, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and engagement.

It serves also as a Disaster Recovery solution if your backend happens to go down for lack of resources, programming errors, maintenance, lack of electricity or hazardous weather conditions that interrupt the operation.

Based on infrastructure, software and operation provided by Planisys, it connects directly with +1000 provider networks and IXPs (FL-IX, NOTA, BT Latam, Globenet, GTT, NTT, HE, Cogent, etc.) and clouds such as Google, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, etc., guaranteeing secure delivery and effective content to the companies that it serves.

Content Delivery Network + Web Application Firewall

Content Delivery Network + Web Application Firewall

A WAF is a security solution designed to protect web applications from various cyber threats, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other malicious attacks. It helps identify and block malicious traffic, ensuring the integrity and availability of web applications and protecting sensitive data.

Planisys CDN-WAF provides a cloud-based , multi-tenant framework in front of your website to block Bad Actors, SqlInjection, FileInjection, ExploitPatterns, Bad referral sites, Hotlinking, and provide DDoS Protection with Planisys Threat Intelligence


Why could too many Edge POPs or constantly changing addresses of a CDN become challenging?


If you need to purge content, having it published in too many edge POPs , turns the task into something very challenging to perform in a reasonable period of time. It is only a matter of milliseconds until Planisys CDN signals its CDN workers to destroy intended content.


With a fixed set of IP addresses you are able to setup a firewall or even a Load Balancer in order to protect your origin site from external access, allowing that the CDN be the only place where you can access your origin site from, except in the case of backoffice where a VPN is the most recommended way.


If you know your fixed set of IP addresses, it's much easier to find latency problems your customers might be experiencing. With too many edges it might turn very confusing to file an issue with a connectivity provider.


With a fixed set of addresses, you as CDN customer can focus on monitoring services on those fixed IP addresses, otherwise you would have a "propagation lag" or grayzone for monitoring when IP addresses are changing


Using CNAME and DNS names at the top of the DNS zone, also called Apex, might be challenging with ever changing IP addresses. You can use Planisys DNS API to change A records easily.


With a small, never changing set of high-traffic IP addresses, you can monitor them and have the certainty that they are not being shared with others that could potentially damage your network reputation or exhaust your resources.

planisys edge

Planisys Edge

Shield of origin in dedicated IPv4 and IPv6 planisys origin organizations that can communicate with the origin of the application, also called upstream, for example. a server that has an application in AWS.

Organizations can add the DShield IP address to the list and block all other incoming connections on standard HTTP and HTTPS ports, such as 80 and 443, or any of the ports in the application. This can be achieved through access rules on the nginx or apache servers, firewall rules or a control panel provided by the hosting provider or IaaS.


Page Rules

Fine grained page rules permit HTTP header manipulation to override or improve CMS backend shortcoming.

OWASP Security

Achieve PCI DSS Compliance, Owasp Web security and Anti-DDoS in a single dashboard

Mobile and tablet autodetection

Optional SmartPhone and Tablet Auto-detection lets the CDN serve mobile content for non-responsive websites.

Inspect and purge cache

Through Panel tools you can operate over the CDN cache, purging and doing inspections by partial or complete content.

Intuitive and powerful control panel

You can view and also manage your information in real time, unified Bandwidth and Transfer Reports. You can see a brief of all the site traffic or each IP Connections Online and Request per second.

Brotli support

Planisys CDN uses Google's brotli compression algorithm aside of gzip,that delivers a 20 to 25% better compression ratio compared to Gzip or Zopfli.

HTTP2 TLS 1.3 0-RTT Support

Planisys CDN already supports HTTP/2 and TLS v1.3 with zero roundtrip resumption to resume HTTPS sessions immediately and reduce latency drastically.

Image compression

Strips unnecessary image metadata, and does JPEG Chroma Subsampling in favor of hue, with the result of up to 53% lighter images

Benefits of the Planisys CDN Platform

Always Online
Always Online
  • Improves user experience and decreases latency
  • NVMe disks, Platinum CPUs and multilayer indexes for fast serving of web cache
  • adapted to multiple scenarios of changing MTUs, CMSs with few resources or that fail
  • Highly tuned TCP/IP stack for ultra-fast content-delivery
  • Tools for X509 certificate checking and generation
  • Tools to generate CSRs and store them
  • Tools for DNS and WHOIS checking of domains
  • Tools for URL retrieval hitting backend servers directly to test them
Increased Traffic
Increased Traffic
  • Lets your improve presence by driving more traffic to browsers
  • Doesn't require a proportional growth of backend servers
  • Multi upstream and multi peer 10G network at busiest IXPs
High Availability
High Availability
  • Automatic detection of backend server outages and failures
  • The CDN switches automatically to Disaster Recovery mode
  • Your site keeps always online even during maintenance windows
  • Increases parallellism from users' browsers to the CDN with HTTP2
  • TCP/IP improvements like FastOpen and handshake reduction
  • TCP congestion control BBR
  • Encryption preference through HTTP / 2
  • Always prefer encryption by means of HTTP/2 protocol
  • Tuning of encryption protocols for PCI/DSS compliance
OWASP Rules and dedicated IP addresses
OWASP Rules and dedicated IP addresses
  • Rules for OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities, and DDoS protection
  • anti-DDoS and access control options
  • Dedicated IP addresses and containers for every customers
Low cost
Low cost
  • Reduce by 80% the costs of backend infrastructure
  • Intelligent traffic rules to reduce calls to backend servers
  • Our Multi tier 10G network allows you to handle huge spikes in traffic

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